[Sipnoc] SIP Forum Announces FCC Chief Technologist Dr. Douglas C. Sicker Keynote Speaker for Inaugural SIPNOC Event

Marc Robins marc.robins at sipforum.org
Tue Jan 25 20:19:28 UTC 2011

The SIP Forum Announces FCC Chief Technologist Dr. Douglas C. Sicker Keynote
Speaker for Inaugural SIPNOC Event

Dr. Sicker to address the worldwide service provider community on SIP
technology and other technical advancements in IP communications 


NORTH ANDOVER, MA (January 25, 2011) - The SIP Forum
<http://www.sipforum.org/>  announced today Federal Communications
Commission Chief Technologist Dr. Douglas C. Sicker as the keynote speaker
for the first annual SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC), being held
at the Hyatt Dulles Hotel in Herndon, VA, April 25 -27, 2011. 

Aimed at an international audience focused on the operational and technical
aspects of service provider networks, SIPNOC will focus on issues critical
to the reliable and successful deployment and operation of SIP-based
services in carrier networks. The agenda will feature special presentations,
panel discussions and workshops covering key topics by network operators
related to SIP-based services and infrastructure, including testing,
application development, SIP trunking, FoIP, call routing and peering,
troubleshooting and monitoring, emergency services and more. The event
website is located at  <http://www.sipnoc.org/> www.sipnoc.org.


"I'm delighted to participate in this inaugural meeting of SIPNOC," said Dr.
Sicker. "In recognizing the importance of interconnected VoIP service as a
growing part of the U.S. voice service market, I look forward to gaining a
richer perspective on the future of SIP-enabled communications among service

As Chief Technologist for the FCC, Dr. Sicker is responsible for advising
the agency on communications technology issues, a position that resides in
the Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis. Dr. Sicker is also an
associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University
of Colorado at Boulder with a joint appointment in the Interdisciplinary
Telecommunications Program. He previously served on the Omnibus Broadband
Initiative working on research and development issues. His other leadership
roles include director of global architecture at Level 3 Communications,
Inc, and chief of the network technology division at FCC.

Dr. Sicker has chaired and served on the program committees of numerous
technical conferences, including IEEE, DySPAN, ISART and TPRC. He has also
had research funded through the NSF, DARPA, the Internet Society and the
Federal Aviation Administration.

"Dr. Sicker is a leading mind in both domestic and international
communications, and we are thrilled to have him on board as the first
keynote speaker of SIPNOC," said Eric Burger, SIP Forum Chairman Emeritus
and Chairman of the SIPNOC Program Committee. 


Attendees at SIPNOC will include telecommunications providers, major
backbone operators, interconnect and wholesale solution providers, ISPs,
cable operators, wireless network operators as well as large enterprises
deploying major SIP initiatives. 


The SIP Forum has gained an international reputation for developing
important, educational events surrounding SIP. The organization's SIPit
series of interoperability testing events regularly provides a test bed for
SIP-based applications and equipment that has been heralded as critical for
the development of new products and services in the industry. The SIP Forum
also has a number of committees and task groups made up of well-known
industry experts examining a myriad of SIP-related topics, including the use
of SIP in smart grid installations, FoIP, video, and user-agent


For More Information, Submit Speaking Proposals, and to Register

For more information about SIPNOC, please visit  <http://www.sipnoc.org/>
www.sipnoc.org or send an email to  <mailto:sipnoc at sipforum.org>
sipnoc at sipforum.org. 


Proposed papers and presentations are currently being accepted by the SIPNOC
Program Committee. To view the official call for papers, which includes
instructions on submitting material and specific SIPNOC policies, please
visit  <http://www.sipnoc.org/> www.sipnoc.org or download the document


Please note: Full Members qualify for an exclusive 50% discount on
registration, based on two people from the same company attending. There are
also full member-only discounts for corporate sponsorship packages. Please
contact Marc Robins, marc.robins at sipforum.org, directly to take advantage of
these offers.


A special early-bird registration rate of $595 - $200 off the regular rate
of $795 -- is now in effect until February 11, 2011!  To register for
SIPNOC, please visit http://www.regonline.com/sipnoc_2011. 


For information about corporate sponsorship opportunities at SIPNOC, please
contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at
718-548-7245 or marc.robins "at" sipforum.org.







Marc Robins

President and Managing Director

SIP Forum

 <http://www.sipforum.org/> http://www.sipforum.org


Tel: 718-548-7245

Mobile: 203-829-6307

SkypeMe! marcrobins


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