[SIPForum-discussion] Call connected on different codec

Abhishek Jain mail.abhishekjain at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 11:50:42 UTC 2011

Please refer the RFC 3261 section This is meant for the UAC

"If the offer in the 2xx response is not acceptable, the UAC core MUST
generate a valid answer in the ACK and
   then send a BYE immediately."

For UAS behaviour, see the section " The INVITE is Rejected". "A
UAS rejecting an offer contained in an INVITE SHOULD return a 488 (Not
Acceptable Here) response. Such a response SHOULD include a Warning header
field value explaining why the offer was rejected."


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:18 AM, Aniella Juverdeanu <
Aniella.Juverdeanu at telus.com> wrote:

> Actually it should be 415 or at worst 488.
> ------------------------------
>  *From*: Aniella Juverdeanu
> *To*: 'mail.abhishekjain at gmail.com' <mail.abhishekjain at gmail.com>; '
> balajivenkats at gmail.com' <balajivenkats at gmail.com>
> *Cc*: 'discussion at sipforum.org' <discussion at sipforum.org>
> *Sent*: Mon Dec 26 14:43:39 2011
> *Subject*: Re: [SIPForum-discussion] Call connected on different codec
>  Actually the called party has to respond with 4XX for bearer not
> supported (please check which one applies - it might be 487 - not
> supported). You cannot just release with no reason. The calling party can
> then take alternate route or insert a transcoding device and re-Invite with
> appropiate CODEC.
> Aniella
> ------------------------------
>  *From*: discussion-bounces at sipforum.org <discussion-bounces at sipforum.org>
> *To*: balajivenkat subramanian <balajivenkats at gmail.com>
> *Cc*: discussion at sipforum.org <discussion at sipforum.org>
> *Sent*: Fri Dec 23 13:23:49 2011
> *Subject*: Re: [SIPForum-discussion] Call connected on different codec
> Hi, This is a bug.
> Actually, if the offer and answer do not match then the caller must send
> the ACK and immediately send out BYE. In your case since the caller is not
> sending out BYE, so this is a BUG.
> Regards
> Abhishek
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 2:08 PM, mehmet <eng.mehmetozi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I assume that supplier does not support G723 and ilbc . In this case it
>> can not return with a new challenge, sends an error response instead.
>> But could you please clarify does supplier support g723 and ilbc?
>> Regards.
>> 2011/12/21 balajivenkat subramanian <balajivenkats at gmail.com>
>>>  Hello Guys ,
>>> Pls share your thoughts whether the below scenario is right behaviour .
>>> Customer  - > Softswitch - > Supplier .
>>> 1. Customer invite has codec G723 , ilbc etc .
>>> 2.Supplier is responding back with only G711ulaw codec which was not
>>> offered by Customer .
>>> 3. Call got connected with voice on both sides .
>>> Thanks ,
>>> Venkat
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