[SIPForum-discussion] What happen in this scenario?

Andrea Frontini andrea.frontini at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 15:16:14 UTC 2010

if with Expire=0 you mean the Session-Expires header, as per rfc 4028 the
absolute minimum value is 90 therefore the B2BUA must reject the invite.

2010/1/20 lakhan patel <lakhan.p at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> SIDE-A                  B2BUA                  SIDE-B
>    |                             |                             |
>    |        INVITE           |                             |
>    |--------------------------->|(with Expire=0)       |
>    |     100 Trying         |                             |
>    |<---------------------------|                             |
>    |                             |                             |
> My questions are:
> 1. Is the B2BUA respond with *"487 Request terminated"*?
> 2. If YES/NO then why? Please give me the explanation.
> 3. How Expire header works in this case?
> 4. How the Timers and Expire header are related?
> 5. Does the B2BUA ignore the Expire Header in INVITE?
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Shivlakhan Patel
> Email: lakhan.p at gmail.com, lakhan.p at hotmail.com
> IBM India Private Ltd. Bangalore
> Contact: +91-9902791177
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Shivlakhan Patel
> Email: lakhan.p at gmail.com, lakhan.p at hotmail.com
> IBM India Private Ltd. Bangalore
> Contact: +91-9902791177
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