[SIPForum-discussion] COnference Doubt

abhishek.chattopadhyay at wipro.com abhishek.chattopadhyay at wipro.com
Wed Aug 13 14:27:38 UTC 2008

Hello All 

I am confused about a particular call flow scenario.
Can anybody tell me how exactly would be the messaging for the scenario

There are three parties phone 1, phone 2 and phone 3.
Phone 1 registers to gateway 1
Phone 2 registers to gateway 2
Phone 3 registers to gateway 3

Ps: none of the phones are pure sip entity they register to the gateway
and the gateway takes care of the signaling on behalf of the phones as
instances as if they were UACs. 

1. phone 2 initiates a call to phone 1
2. phone 2 puts phone 1 on hold.
3. phone 2 initiates a call to phone 3.
4. phone 2 now puts phone 1 and phone 3 in a conference.
5. All the phones are in conference now.
6. Suddenly gateway 1(conference initiator) is rebooting.
7. Still conference continues among all phones.
8. Now phone 2 hangs up.

1.	will the conference be still carry on between phone 1 and phone
2.	what would be an appropriate signal flow among all
parties.(gateway 2 to gateway 1)   &  (gateway 2 to gateway 3)?
3.	what if the gateway 1 would not have rebooted and gateway 2 is
ganging up how would be the signaling be ?

mob:+91- 9986338807
ESN: 6-877-81342
ext: +91-80-28528857 80373

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