[SIPForum-discussion] DTMF RFC 2833........Westage of bandwidth

santosh chintalwar sschintalwar at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 07:26:25 UTC 2007

Hi All,

According to RFC 2833  of

 3.6 Sending Event Packets

    If an event continues for more than one period, the source generating
   the events should send a new event packet with the RTP timestamp
   value corresponding to the beginning of the event and the duration of
   the event increased correspondingly. (The RTP sequence number is
   incremented by one for each packet.) If there has been no new event
   in the last interval, the event SHOULD be retransmitted three times
   or until the next event is recognized. This ensures that the duration
   of the event can be recognized correctly even if the last packet for
   an event is lost.

According to Highlight  is that mean we need to transmite whatever last DTMF
digit send by the user ( or UAC ) ???

If this is the case then we are wasting the badwidth by sending last
event.... dont we???

Any comment on this......????

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