[SIPForum-discussion] No ACK

zhangn4037 at sohu.com zhangn4037 at sohu.com
Wed Jun 20 03:23:45 UTC 2007

<blockquote dir="ltr" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 5px; font: 9pt 宋体; margin-left: 10px; border-left: #000000 2px solid; margin-right: 0px"><p>&nbsp;Hello all,</p><p>&nbsp;Now I meet a wondering issue, when I edit&nbsp;a 200 response and send to UAC, there is no ACK send out.</p><p>&nbsp;First of all, let me introduce the test platform:</p><p>&nbsp;the software ack as proxy, it can receive and send out SIP message, we use it to test the protocol conformance of&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;SIP UA. I have done the SIP basic call message flow, but when I try to simulate the call waiting message flow, I </p><p>&nbsp;meet this issue, after INFO with flashhook event report to proxy, the proxy send the 200 response for the secondary</p><p>&nbsp;INVITE request, but I find there is no ACK send out from UA. I doubt there are some error in the&nbsp;200 response, Could </p><p>&nbsp;you please help me to check it. Attachment is the ethereal capture, the no.24 message is&nbsp;the target.</p><p>&nbsp;Thanks,</p><p>&nbsp;B R,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br /><br />&nbsp;</p></blockquote>
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