[SIPForum-discussion] Proxy..

Praveen Bhukya bkpraveen at TechMahindra.com
Fri Jun 15 07:08:59 UTC 2007

Hi frnds....


I have a query.


Just take a basic scenario user agent A calling B via a proxy


So when "A" sends an INVITE which passes through a proxy, Will that
proxy do some authentication of user A  or will it simply forward the


If there is some authentication done, then what is it? 


And if there is no authentication done then there will be a problem that
even an unregistered user can send an INVITE which will pass through a


Please reply...


Thanks in advance



From: discussion-bounces at sipforum.org
[mailto:discussion-bounces at sipforum.org] On Behalf Of Devanand Kumar
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 11:04 AM
To: discussion at sipforum.org
Subject: [SIPForum-discussion] SAP and TRIP....


Hi All,


I want to know in which situations sip is using SAP (session
announcement protocol) and TRIP (telephone routing over IP) Protocol for
media sessions and in which RFC I can get it.


If you have any call established log based on sap and trip u can send







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