[Sipnoc] STIR/SHAKEN SUMMIT 2020 Has Been Postponed Until Further Notice

Marc Robins marc.robins at sipforum.org
Tue Mar 17 18:09:25 UTC 2020

We are sorry to add yet another Coronavirus-related email to the deluge
already hitting your inbox, but we wanted to let you know that the SIP Forum
has decided to postpone STIR/SHAKEN SUMMIT 2020, scheduled for June 23-24,
until further notice.


Your health and safety are our top priorities, and we will be monitoring the
situation as it continues to evolve and rely on the guidance from the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization
(WHO), and other public health experts to determine when it will be safe to
reschedule the event.


Throughout this ordeal, the SIP Forum will continue to operate normally. All
of our task and working group meetings are being conducted virtually, with
some type of remote access, so the NNI Task Force and other groups hard at
work at solving problems will continue to meet. Likewise, our mailing lists
stand ready to continue to help foster discussion and debate.


On behalf of the entire SIP Forum Board of Directors, our thoughts are with
all those who are being impacted by this emergency, and our hopes are that
this will be a short-term disruption to our lives.


Please stay well and safe!


All best,


Marc Robins

SIP Forum President and Managing Director


Richard Shockey

SIP Forum Chairman




Marc Robins

President and Managing Director


Director, SIPconnect Certification Testing Program


https://www.sipforum.org <https://www.sipforum.org/> 



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