[Sipnoc] SIP Forum Announces STIR/SHAKEN-Focused Conference Agenda for SIPNOC 2019

Marc Robins marc.robins at sipforum.org
Thu Sep 12 15:56:42 UTC 2019






SIP Forum Announces STIR/SHAKEN-Focused 
Conference Agenda for SIPNOC 2019

Comprehensive STIR/SHAKEN-Focused Conference Agenda includes Service Provider Deployment Case Studies (Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, and T-Mobile), STIR/SHAKEN Deployment Best-Practices, a Robocall Regulatory Super-Session covering Current Legislative Actions and Their Ramifications, Status and Overview of the SIP Forum/ATIS Joint NNI Task Force, Overview of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework, Status of the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA), Important Certificate Management Considerations and Procedures, Operational Aspects of the Policy Authority (STI-PA), Considerations Surrounding Delegated Certificates, The State of International Adoption of STIR/SHAKEN, Call Validation Display Framework, Enhanced CNAM and Rich Call Data, STIR/SHAKEN Emergency Calling (e911) Security Strategies and Solutions, a State of Call Analytics Super-Session: Panel Discussion and Solutions Showcase, Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing STIR/SHAKEN with Enterprise Customers, Track and Trace Issues and Considerations, Interconnection and Access Reform Challenges, Re-Assigned Number Database Issues and Considerations, and Hacking STIR/SHAKEN: A White Hat Security Analysis 

The ninth annual SIP Network Operators Conference - SIPNOC 2019 - will be focused exclusively on the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework <https://www.sipforum.org/activities/nni-task-force-introduction/>  and the expanding efforts to combat the Robocall epidemic, and has been specifically developed for industry stakeholders in the Robocall and Caller ID Spoofing elimination/mitigation ecosystem, including service providers seeking to deploy new solutions, governmental regulators and agencies, equipment manufacturers, enterprise and government agency contact centers, application providers and data analytics firms.

To address unwanted and illegal Robocalls, the SIP Forum and the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) formed the Network to Network Interface (NNI) Joint Task Force to develop standards to verify and authenticate caller identification for calls carried over an Internet Protocol (IP) network using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The outcome of this effort has been the SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework.

With an agenda designed to address the most important STIR/SHAKEN-related topics for today’s network operator and comprised of special presentations and panel discussions given by the experts responsible for the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework, the SIPNOC 2019 agenda <https://www.sipforum.org/news-events/sipnoc-2019-overview/sipnoc-2019-conference-schedule/>  will examine in detail the work and milestones of this Task Force and the efforts of the various industry stakeholders,  and will provide a unique opportunity for information exchange among network operators and engineers seeking to deploy STIR/SHAKEN and explore best-practices for their networks and services.

Important, associated domestic and international regulatory issues will also be on the SIPNOC 2019 agenda, as the United States Federal Communications Commission and the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission have both endorsed the SHAKEN standard. In addition, SIPNOC 2019 will also explore the ramifications of a number of legislative actions taking place in the United States Congress.

For the full SIPNOC 2019 agenda, including speakers and session topics, please visit: https://www.sipforum.org/news-events/sipnoc-2019-overview/sipnoc-2019-conference-schedule/.

The SIPNOC conferences have attracted leading technical and operations personnel from the global carrier community and have earned high praise from attendees for their educational, non-commercial and technical content that focuses on the real-world challenges operators face when deploying SIP services in global IP networks. SIPNOC attendees include telecommunications providers, major backbone operators, interconnect and wholesale solution providers, ISPs, cable operators, wireless network operators as well as large enterprises deploying major SIP initiatives. 



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SIPNOC 2019 Registration 

Regular All-Access Conference Pass: The regular "All-Access" SIPNOC 2019 conference registration fee is $1295 and includes access to all three days of conference proceedings. This "all-inclusive" fee also includes breakfasts, lunches and break refreshments and snacks, and special networking receptions the first and second nights of the event! 

Full Member All-Access Pass: Individuals from SIP Forum Full Member companies save more ($200 to be exact) on an early-bird All-Access Pass! Send an email to sipnocinfo at sipforum.org to obtain the exclusive Full Member discount code.

Gov't/Military Employee All-Access Pass : Individuals who work for government agencies or the military are entitled to a special savings of $400 on the All-Access Pass (for a total fee of $895). Please send an email to  <mailto:sipnocinfo at sipforum.org> sipnocinfo at sipforum.org  to request the exclusive Gov't/Military registration access code. 

Day 1 and Day 2+3 Passes: Just want to attend the first day of the conference, or the second and third days? We have you covered!  Simply select the registration for the day(s) you wish to attend. The fee for the first day of the conference is $695, and the fee for a Day 2+3 pass is $1095. 

Register at https://www.regonline.com/sipnoc2019 

SIPNOC 2019 General Event Information

For detailed information about SIPNOC 2019, please visit www.sipnoc.org <http://www.sipnoc.org/>  or send an email to sipnocinfo at sipforum.org. 


SIPNOC 2019 Sponsorship Information

*	For information about corporate sponsorship opportunities at SIPNOC 2019, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at 203-829-6307 or marc.robins "at" sipforum.org.







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