[Sipnoc] The SIP Forum Announces Dates for SIPNOC 2019 -- the Ninth Annual SIP Network Operators Conference

Marc Robins marc.robins at sipforum.org
Thu Apr 4 16:09:30 UTC 2019

SIPNOC 2019 Dates Have Been Set!

The SIP Forum has just announced that the ninth annual SIP Network Operators
Conference will be held in Herndon, VA on December 3-5, 2019 at the Hilton
Washington Dulles Hotel. 

SIPNOC 2019 will continue and expand its focus on the SHAKEN Call
Authentication Framework
<https://www.sipforum.org/activities/nni-task-force-introduction/>  and the
expanding efforts to combat the Robocall epidemic.

Read the Full Announcement here!

For More Information and to Register


To receive more information about SIPNOC 2019, and notification once
registration is open, please send an email to sipnocinfo at sipforum.org.

The SIP Forum will release further details about SIPNOC 2019, including
sign-up for early bird registration, in May 2019 at its conference website
www.sipnoc.org and through a variety of membership mailing lists and other
outreach efforts. In the interim, archived information about the prior
SIPNOC event (SIPNOC 2018) is available for viewing.

For information about corporate sponsorship opportunities at SIPNOC 2019,
please contact me at +1-203-829-6307 or email marc.robins at sipforum.org.


All best,





Marc Robins

President and Managing Director

SIPNOC Program Chair

Director, SIPconnect Certification Testing Program


https://www.sipforum.org <https://www.sipforum.org/> 

Mobile: 203-829-6307

SkypeMe! marcrobins





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