[SIPForum-discussion] Handle multiple 200 ok

Paul Kyzivat pkyzivat at alum.mit.edu
Tue Jul 21 13:02:05 UTC 2015

On 7/15/15 2:57 PM, Suman Mohanty wrote:
> Hi all,
> Any use case of multiple 200 OK with forking scenario? If multiple 200
> OK will come then how to handle it.

First, it *can* happen, and if it does, you *must* handle it one way or 

The "normal" way to handle it is to treat 2nd and subsequent 2xx 
responses as undesired, and to terminate them by sending ACK, then BYE.

Or, if you have some way to prioritize one UA over another, you might 
send BYE to the first one and continue with the new one.

A case where this might not be considered an error is when the invite 
was sent by a conference server. In that case it might just conference 
both of them in.


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