[SIPForum-discussion] How to validate authentication using HTTP digest authentication

Tomasz Karbowski tom170 at o2.pl
Fri Sep 5 20:46:28 UTC 2014

Dear Kamrul,

Please follow this link :   

Small explanation below :

Dialer registers user user3 with password 3.
After sending REGISTER we get following 407 proxy auth :

Proxy-Authenticate: DIGEST realm="SoftSwitch",  

Then its needed to calculate 3 values HA1 HA2 and response :
1. HA1=MD5(A1)=MD5(username:realm:password) = MD5(user3:SoftSwitch:3) =  
2. HA2=MD5(A2)=MD5(method:digestURI) = MD5(REGISTER:sip:  
=  9f7b2230b13f7b5fe6a122d6cbc2e2e8
3. response=MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2) = MD5(796fbd6779a25e223ec08293d1f6e2b2:  
06e5087c107ba90e09210900901581001501:9f7b2230b13f7b5fe6a122d6cbc2e2e8) =   

The dialer response also was follwoing :

Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="user3", realm="SoftSwitch",  
nonce="06e5087c107ba90e09210900901581001501", uri="sip:",  
response="f6ac6de2278f90c3438b0476c0f5dd36 "

Server needs to get the username given by dialer, password from DB and  
recalculate response on his side if it match then user is authorized.

Best regards,

W dniu .08.2014 o 20:01 Kamrul Khan <dodul at live.com> pisze:

> Hi,
> I am testing my sip dialer usingHTTP digest authentication in the server  
> side. Now, the response my dialer is sending is,
> Digest username="bob", realm="", nonce="5e954418",  
> uri="sip:", >response="ec221690633f2ae691669c4083832fd8",  
> algorithm=MD5
> However, the original password that I set was 1234 and the md5 value of  
> 1234 is 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 >(according to  
> http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/md5.php) Now how do I match the  
> password? Someone please help.
> BR//Kamrul

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