[SIPForum-discussion] Port Unreachable on SIP Register

Paul Blades paulblades at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Nov 27 22:00:34 UTC 2011



     I'm looking for abit of SIP expertise on a problem with a SIP register
with the sip2sip server. I have this working with 

Xlite-4 but not with the open-source PJSIP  pjsua application. A wire shark
trace indicates that the register sent from pjsua

Is not targeting the correct port yet the register looks the same as that
for the Xlite-4 except that the destination ip address

last three digits are different:-






The same information was input into Pjsua as Xlite-4. So its seems odd that
the destination address is different (I guess

the port number is not part of the IPv4 address so not sure what port number
is being used).




Working Xlite-4 SIP call:-

No        Time                 Source                          Destination
Protocol             Info

19         0.476562           <Src IP addr>      
SIP       609       Request: REGISTER sip:sip2sip.info

20         0.546875                 <Src IP addr>
SIP       571       Status: 401 Unauthorized    (0 bindings)

21         0.548828           <Src IP addr>      
SIP       805       Request: REGISTER sip:sip2sip.info

22         0.656250                 <Src IP addr>
SIP       614       Status: 200 OK    (1 bindings)




PJSIP pjsua application:-

No        Time                 Source                          Destination
Protocol             Info

24         80.093750         <Src IP addr>      
SIP       590       Request: REGISTER sip:sip2sip.info

25         80.156250                <Src IP addr>
ICMP    590       Destination unreachable (Port unreachable)




The explaination for Port Unreachable is:-


"Unlike the Network Unreachable and Host Unreachable messages which come
from routers, 

the Port Unreachable message comes from a host. The protocol (TCP or UDP)
tried to send the data 

up to the destination port number (TCP or UDP port) and the port process
didn't exist. The protocol handler 

then reports Destination Unreachable - Port Unreachable."



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