[SIPForum-discussion] REGISTER message request URI

abhishek kapoor kapoorabhishek at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 22:00:00 UTC 2009


We are working on a IMS call servers, and one for our session border
controllers are sending REGISTER message with the following URI:

                  REGISTER sip:voice.bt.uktel.org.uk
;phone-context=+44 at pcsf-stdn.imsgroup0-000.ics01.voice.bt.uktel.org.uk:5060;lr

It receives from CPE the following request URI:

                   REGISTER sip:voice.bt.uktel.org.uk SIP/2.0

Please if you can suggest if the request URI modified by SBC is OK with
respect to SIP standards and will be accepted by most of the call servers or
should I get it corrected.

Many thanks for your help, looking forward to your reply.

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