[SIPForum-discussion] PRACK related query

Geo Paul gpaul at aylus.com
Tue Sep 9 14:31:17 UTC 2008

PRACK is like any other request within a dialog and when the dialog is
cancelled this also should get terminated.
You can refer rfc 3261 and rfc 3262 for more details


From: Anurag Bahl [mailto:anurag.bahl at oracle.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 5:25 PM
To: discussion at sipforum.org
Subject: [SIPForum-discussion] PRACK related query

I have a PRACK related query. In the following scenario, UAS doesnot
send 2xx response to PRACK and original INVITE is cancelled. 
This causes PRACK related non-invite Client transaction to hang around
cause retransmissions ~32 seconds (by default because of timer
UAC                 UAS
  ------ INVITE ------>
  <--- 180(INVITE) ----
  ------- PRACK ------>
-- Deos not send response for PRACK --
  ------ CANCEL ------>
  <--- 200(CANCEL) ----
  ---- 487(INVITE) --->
  ------- ACK -------->
  ------- PRACK ------>   <--- PRACK retransmissions occur --
  ------- PRACK ------>
  ------- PRACK ------>
The question is
1. Since we already cancelled original INVITE , should PRACK related
transaction still exist.
2. If not what should be handling ? Is there an document which
specifically address this sceraio. 

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