[SIPForum-discussion] SIP uses UDP

Mario ecembaa at gmail.com
Thu May 29 16:13:19 UTC 2008


Consider that SIP is realible enough by using ACK. By using UDP
instead of TCP, SIP is able to set up a call with less packets (no 3
step handshake is required), which means a faster call set up than if
TCP were used.

On th other hand, voice (RTP) is very delay sensitive, but tolerates
certain packet loss rate.


2008/5/29, Ashis Jena <jenaashis at gmail.com>:
> why does SIP uses UDP eve though UDP is non relaible , connectionless
> protcol?
> what happens if the message is lost in the way?
> what happens to the call set up time if the message is lost and sending port
> goes on retransmitting the message?
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