[SIPForum-discussion] Python library for using SIP?

Dan York dyork at voxeo.com
Tue May 13 13:09:49 UTC 2008


On May 13, 2008, at 4:10 AM, Victor Pascual Ávila wrote:

> Hi Dan
> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Dan York <dyork at voxeo.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone worked with a python library for SIP?
> I'm not sure it is what you need. But take a look to SEMS [1].

Thanks for the suggestion. Reading the README file, I'm not sure it's  
what I'm looking for either, but I'll take a look through and see if  
there might be some libraries I can use.  I'll admit that I wasn't  
aware of SEMS before, but it looks like quite an interesting project.

As far as a python library, all I was looking for was a library that  
would allow me to easily create SIP messages from a python app.  I'm  
doing some experiments with Google's AppEngine which is currently  
python-based and I was interested to see about building a SIP testing  
app which sent SIP messages over to a CCXML app that I have running  
elsewhere.  The app would really be a web page (running on Google's  
AppEngine) which would then send SIP messages to a specified IP address.

There are existing tools out there like sipp and sipsak that already  
do much of what I need, but are also more complex that I need. So I  
thought I'd just create a simple test app, really more as a way to: a)  
learn more about App Engine; b) refresh my python programming skills  
that have grown rusty; and c) have a simple way to test other apps I  
am developing in CCXML that interact with SIP headers (i.e. I could  
use this SIP test app to send in custom headers that would be read by  
the CCXML program).  However, in searching around I couldn't seem to  
find any python libraries that would just let me send various kinds of  
SIP messages.   Sure, I could write the libraries myself or just  
kludge a way to send the SIP messages I want (the beauty of a text- 
based protocol) but I was just curious to see what's out there.

In the meantime, I figured out a completely different way to do what I  
wanted to do by creating a separate CCXML application that sends the  
custom SIP headers to the other CCXML application that reads the  
custom SIP headers.  Good news is I've learned a lot more about  
CCXML... however I didn't (yet) get to play with python or AppEngine.


Dan York, CISSP, Director of Emerging Communication Technology
Office of the CTO    Voxeo Corporation     dyork at voxeo.com
Phone: +1-407-455-5859  Skype: danyork  http://www.voxeo.com
Blogs: http://blogs.voxeo.com  http://www.disruptivetelephony.com

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