[SIPForum-discussion] getting 481 after sending bye msgg

Raj Jain rj2807 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 10:07:05 UTC 2008

> "ajay more" <etrx.ajay at gmail.com>
>         We are facing the problem while disconnecting call. When call is
> disconnected from B party i.e from our side (we are sending req: Bye),
> instead of getting OK, we are getting status: 481 transaction id not found.
> what will be this problem?

A 481 response means that the UAS cannot match a dialog corresponding
to your mid-dialog request (BYE in this case). There are many reasons
this can happen:

1. UAC's BYE is constructed incorrectly (for instance, check the local
and remote tags are in the correct place)
2. UAS may have lost state (for instance, it rebooted and came back up)
3. Session expired (e.g. the UAS dropped its dialog after a session
refresh failed)
4. UAS silently dropped the session for whatever reason (e.g. due to
lack of media)
5. BYE race condition (both ends send BYE at the same time; one end
gets 200 other gets 481)

Raj Jain

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