[SIPForum-discussion] query related to Target Refresh Request

dushyant dushyant.dhalia at rancoretech.com
Wed Jul 16 08:44:22 UTC 2008

Hi All,


RFC 3261 suggests "A target refresh request sent within a dialog is defined
as a request that can modify the remote target of the dialog." and RFC 3311
suggests "The UPDATE is processed as any other mid-dialog target refresh

request, as described in Section 12.2.2 of RFC 3261 [1]." Now my question is
what is meant by remote target and how can a remote target be modified in an
ongoing dialog?


Is UPDATE always a target refresh request or can it be regarded as a
subsequent request (other than target refresh request) in special scenario.


Thanks and regards.


Dushyant P S Dhalia


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