[SIPForum-discussion] RE : about TERM Binding with respect to SIPREGISTER

harish T harish0611 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 06:10:41 UTC 2007

Thanks Franck for your valuable reply,

In your reply mail You told that "If jane has the following logical address
: jane at microsoft.com and jane is currently using her PC located at pc14 the
binding is :jane at microsoft.com binded with jane at pc14"

You have mentioned PC located at pc14,what exactly this  pc14    is?
is it one which is used to find UAC machine   (like IP address of the
machine) ? or else
is it just a domine name which we normally find in yahhoo site like ,
yahoo.co.in,yahoo.co.uk ?

in rfc 3261  they have given "

The REGISTER messages associate Bob's SIP or SIPS URI
   (sip:bob at biloxi.com) with the machine into which he is currently
   logged (conveyed as a SIP or SIPS URI in the Contact header field).


So can i conclude Binding means associating  SIP uri  to  UAC  machine
information  in location server..PLease correct me if i am wrong

On 2/7/07, EXT / LORE MATHEAU Franck <ext.lore.matheau at sncf.fr> wrote:
>  Binding means creating an association between the logical address of user
> and the address of its current location.
> If jane has the following logical address : jane at microsoft.com and jane is
> currently using her PC located at pc14 the binding is :
> jane at microsoft.com binded with jane at pc14
> If you invite jane at microsoft.com the location server will return
> jane at pc14.microsoft.com
> Franck
> -----Message d'origine-----
> *De :* discussion-bounces at sipforum.org [mailto:
> discussion-bounces at sipforum.org]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 7 février 2007 15:12
> *À :* discussion at sipforum.org
> *Objet :* [SIPForum-discussion] about TERM Binding with respect to
> Can any one tell me what exactly the term  "BINDING" means with respect
> Is it related to Storing IP address of User\UA in Register server?
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------
> To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only
> plan, but also believe.
> With regards
> Harish.T

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only
plan, but also believe.

With regards
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