[SIPForum-discussion] RFID-Remote Party ID

Jonathan Rosenberg jdrosen at cisco.com
Sat Feb 18 01:45:03 UTC 2006

Remote-Party-ID is not described in any RFC. It is an old header. The 
standards-based version of it is RFC3325, which defines P-Asserted-ID.

-Jonathan R.

James Shi wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know the RFC about Remote Party ID in INVITE message? one of 
> our SS customers wants to put real calling number in this field.
> Thanks.
> James
> -- 
> The Future of Wireless World is 4G
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Jonathan D. Rosenberg, Ph.D.                   600 Lanidex Plaza
Cisco Fellow                                   Parsippany, NJ 07054-2711
Cisco Systems
jdrosen at cisco.com                              FAX:   (973) 952-5050
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